This is it y'all. It is THURSDAY! I have one more final and one more paper and I am done for this semester. It is completely bittersweet. I loved this class so the fact that it is over makes me really sad. I wish I could take it over and over again for credit hours just for fun.
This class has taught me a lot about myself and how it is completely possible for me to be a writer. I just have to sit down and start typing. Of course, practice makes perfect and that's what this class was able to do for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed the readings from the Untextbook ( which was also fantastic) but also reading other stories that I didn't think I would be able to! This way of getting ideas and finding out my creativity is still intact in my olden age of 20 is mindblowing.
Laura if you read this - THANK YOU. You have been an incredible professor (more like ally). You have been encouraging, kind and a helper. If I ever write a book, I am coming to you first to help me edit and be my partner.
To everyone in this class - I loved your stories. Never lose your creativity and talent.
And to me, you are better than you think. Never lose your spark.

( from my webcam)
My plans are for this week to eat a bunch of delicious food ( I am looking at you, FROZEN ORANGE CHICKEN FROM WALMART), play my new expansion packs on Sims 4 (GET FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!), and watch all of Ugly Betty and maybe Friends too since I have never seen that. Signing out for one of the last times - Goodbye Mythology and Folklore!