Sunday, November 18, 2018

Week 13: Extra Credit Reading

I love weird, mystical names. Acrasia might be one soon! I really loved that name so I am seeing what I can do to use that name in my next story... Perilous adventures, oh my! Can I use this story as my storytelling week? That would be cool! I like that this wasn't completely fake, it had real places. That is cool!

Knights fighting for love! I love love.

Castle Joyous... I am smiling at the name. A beautiful story with "gold and glittery" details... A story made for a princess!

Magic Mirror.... What does that remind me of? ;)

A little disappointed by the lack of pictures.... 

BIB:This story is part of the Fairie Queen: Britomart unit. Story source: Stories from the Faerie Queene by Mary Macleod, with drawings by A. G. Walker (1916).
 My face when reading fairytales. 

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