Monday, November 5, 2018

Reading B: Week 12

I loved that the first story in this unit was a poem. I love to read poems but I don't think that it is something I am able to write and write it beautifully, although I might like to try! Maybe I will try for fun and not for an assignment.

In the second story, I thought it was told in such a way that I could read the story as it was the men's voices. It was very clearly written for me to see and know what was going on with the right amount of detail.

The third story, the Rushen Coatie was also a fun version of Cinderella! Except a sweet red calf was the Fairy Godmother. I thought it was very cute and maybe a little bit graphics with the cutting of the feet.

(John D. Batten)

Bib: This story is part of the English Fairy Tales (2) unit. Story source: More English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1894).

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