Thursday, September 27, 2018

Azerus the Cannabis King- Week #6

They say there is a man that roams, Azerus, the city hemp seller. He goes far and wide, but never without a joint in his mouth.

Azerus walked from town to town, making his way all over the European continent when he found his way into Amsterdam. Amsterdam accepted him for who he was so he longed to say. They say he stayed by the fountain, always having the hemp around him. He wanted to be the cannabis king, you see.

In the midst of his high, he fell asleep in the sun with his toes in the water. He had visions of himself finding the land.

In his vision, he was strong, clean, and maybe a little high. He was off on a journey - a journey to find the love of his life. He was bareback on a horse, wearing a white puffy shirt and loose brown pants, looking like someone from the middle ages.

He traveled far and wide, coming across a castle. He went up to the gates to send a message.

'I am here in peace to marry the princess - send her my way and tell me how to do this,' He wrote on a scroll and gave it to the guard to deliver it to the king.

Within the hour, the King came out, confused but wanted to see what a brave man that came. He spoke with his wife, the queen, and came up with what to do.

"If you can travel far and wife, Norway to Italy, Spain to Poland and declare your love for my daughter, I shall bless this marriage. This all should be done within the week or you will not be considered," declared the king.

He smiled happily, knowing this suitor could not complete this task, but off he went.

He traveled far and wide, going to every major city, making a loud declaration for all to hear.  When he arrived back to the castle he stopped, taking it in.

"This is my new home," he said to himself, smugly.

He came through the gates and demanded to meet with the king. The king was impressed, deciding to have the wedding that night.

As the night came, he was thrilled for this to all be happening. When the ceremony came, that's when everything started to go wrong. He could feel something cold, almost wet come over his whole body.

His body jolted up in an instant, having fallen into the pond where he had passed out.

He stood up and cried, mourning over the loss of someone he thought he knew, someone who he was ready to marry.

"Curse the hemp!" He yelled, still clearly intoxicated but rather upset.

Authors Note: 

For this story, I was inspired by the hemp smokers Dream, a story where someone is so intoxicated that they go on a wild adventure to find love. This story made me laugh when I needed it so I thought it would be fun to do in a newer sense. I wanted to make this my own but still have the same basic settings. 


Reading B: Persian Tales

For this weeks reading, I have chosen Persian Tales because I was very inclined to read stories about fairy tales. I wanted a wide variety of different stories so i didn't get bored and this is exactly what is gave me!

The Hemp-Smokers Dream was quite a fun one for me. It made me laugh at the end when he proclaimed he was intoxicated. It is the first story I have read about anything like this so I had a really good giggle with it.

Tortoise Bowl-on-the-Back and the Fox  was a fun one. I did like how there was a message at the end - I thought it was a good idea and it really told you what the story was about.

These were my favorite readings of the week. I wasn't a fan of this chapter, it just wasn't what I wanted it to be but I am glad I did read it.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week #5 Story: Ubrard

Now on my Portfolio 

Long ago, the king of Ubrard, Abu, showered his wife with gifts. Every day it would be something new. The finest rubies made into a headdress or diamonds made into earrings. He knew he loved her and only wanted to give her the finest things in life to show she was appreciated.

The couple was young and in love, Abu met Jasmine when they were young and were inseparable since. They ruled their kingdom easily, but Jasmine got bored. Every night when the full moon came, she left at midnight with a different man. The older she got, the more she started to see Abu as just a friend. Someone she loved dearly, but not in a romantic way. This broke her heart but because of the laws, she knew she could not leave. 

Abu found out about Jasmine's midnight escapades easily. He was red with anger, oh how could his wife, his best friend of many years betray him like this? 

He took all of her jewels and prized items and locked them away, then put in his orders to have her sent to the darkest, dirtiest dungeon in all the land with all of the men she had been with. He wanted this to be a place where all adulterers go when they have committed that sin. 

He planned a ball for the next day, only women were invited where he would choose his next wife. Someone who hopefully would remain faithful to him and their kingdom. 

The ball took place in the palace and women from all over came dressed n their finest gowns and jewels. He had a ruby necklace stored for whoever his next wife would be. 

He danced all night to forget about the mourning he had experienced. He ate and he laughed, but he couldn't help but miss Jasmine. He knew as long as she was around, he could not truly be happy. 

Abu met many women who were viable options for him, all who seemed interested. He invited 10 women to stay in the palace. He wanted to know them, feast with them to make sure they were truly the one, to make sure he would not be hurt again. 

The next morning, he talked to the guards of the prison and made a new law. 

"Anyone who commits adultery," he said to anyone who was listening, "shall be banned from the kingdom." 

He watched as the guard got out their shackles and went to the dungeon. They chained all the prisoners together and made them walk out from their dungeon and leave the kingdom by foot. 

With them gone, King Abu decided to feast with all the women staying in the castle. 

They enjoyed a large breakfast with the finest wines, meats, cheeses, and bread in the whole kingdom. 

He truly enjoyed having their company around. He liked each one of them for different reasons, therefore deciding that they would all stay and be with him. They would be married if they so chose. 

King Abu then had 10 wives. They all stayed in different rooms. He decided this was not technically adultery since they were all transparent and knew of each other. 

They lived happily together for months before the women all came together and decided at once, King Abu must die for what he did to Jasmine, his first wife. 

At dinner that night, they put poison in his wine. It was easy to trick him when he was so distracted by so many women at the table. 

His death was shocking to the public, but the women took over, all of them remaining in power and bringing equality to the land. 


The End.

Authors note:
I got this idea from the reading A, Scheherazade, in the Arabian Nights Unit. It starts out the same but I was really wishing for a different ending, one where the women were more powerful and not the worst like the man in that story.

  1. Scheherazade - Andrew Lang

Reading B: Week 5 - Aladdin

These stories were filled with beautiful details of princes and princesses, jewels and castles. It was fascinating to read and be able to visualize all the gorgeous things they were talking about. 

I really enjoyed how it wasn't just like the movie, I would like to see this version in theatres though. It could be really much better than the Disney version. 

I thought there was the right amount of characters, it was really fun to read. 

Overall, these have been my favorite to read so far. 

This story is part of the Arabian Nights unit. Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898). (From Laura Gibbs :)) 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Reading A, Week 5

For this week, I have chosen the readings about Aladdin. These were my favorite stories growing up so I am really excited to dive in and see what it was really all about. 

The first few stories have left complete cliffhangers every time. It is exciting to read and much different than anything I was expecting. I thought the character Scheherazade is a great character. I love strong, smart, empowering women so to see her as the star is really exciting to me. 

I really like how the story is set up into shorter paragraphs so it is much easier to read. I also really dislike the Sultan as a character ( and maybe as a human) because he is just a jealous man who has more power than he knows what to do with. 

I wish there was more detail in these stories, I want to know more about the setting and where they are living, I bet it would be gorgeous if it was actually told. 

This story is part of the Arabian Nights unit. Story Source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898).

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Reading Notes B- Odyssey

Something I have noticed in all the stories: they were all drunk. It is kind of funny to me, it is always with ' too much wine.'

I also am not a fan of how big the paragraphs are. When reading online, paragraphs that long hurt my eyes.  I hope mine can be short and sweet, but still, have the amount of detail they have included.

I didn't like that they included so many names and characters - I thought it was a lot but maybe for my story, I will also have to do that. I hope not.



Odyssey: The Ghost of Agamemnon
Tony Kline

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Reading Notes A : Odyssey: The Land of the Cyclopes

The Land of the Cyclopes: I liked how the story was written, but it was hard to comprehend, maybe because of the English that was used. I had to take a couple of tries to read it to truly understand it at all.

The stories themselves are captivating and a different twist on the type of character the cyclops is 'supposed' to be. I imagined him as mean but thought it was unique of how he was portrayed.

The farther I read I realized the cyclops was mean, I was just misunderstood. I do like the idea of a character being different.

Side note: That wine sounds delicious and I would love some.

I love the details put into this story, but I want mine to be an easier, fun read.


Odyssey: The Curse of Polyphemus

Tony Kline


Monday, September 10, 2018

Feedback Strategies

I read Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job and it really enlightened me. Since my nephew was born we would tell him good job for everything he did, no matter what. It always made him smiled and he knew it was a positive reinforcement. Now that he is older, I can tell that some of the things in this article were true. He relies on positive feedback from people even when he is in the wrong. He relies on being this idea of 'good' we have reinforced into him since he was just a baby. It is weird to see how this reinforcement works but it is all so strange.

I also read How to Give Feedback Without Sounding Like a Jerk. The title of it made me laugh, but it is so true. Whenever you give any type of feedback and it is not positive, they think you are out to get them. They explain in this article very nicely on how to deliver the notes you have without upsetting the other party. It is a nice refresher on etiquette and knowing how to not ruin a relationship with someone else by hurting their feelings.
( photo by me) 
Because instead of saying good job, we just give out cookies. 

Lunar Legends - Topic Research

For my final project, I think I have decided to focus on Lunar Legends. There are many different things I can talk about instead of just refining myself to one type of story. I have already been reading stories about the moon from the Freebookapalooza. I downloaded the book Moon Lores on Amazon. In this, there are several different stories in one big book! I figured this would be the book I read the most to focus on what I should do for my project. In this book, I plan to use about 8 of the stories in it and pick ideas from all of them. The first story I am really reading into is,"Other Moon Myths." It just talks about the basics of why there are certain myths about it already. I really liked the idea of the moon is a man and the sun is his wife. The second story i found interesting was the Lunar Eclipses. I thought the story that was used was captivating because of how they told the stories from several different POVs. The third story I liked was "The Man in The Moon Drinks Claret." I enjoyed how it rhymed and it was a really easy read, at least for me. I want my story to be great but also not hard to understand.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week 3 Reading A Notes

For this week I am reading the Aesop's Fables (Jacobs) ((again)). I think they are so fun to read. Something I really like that I think I might want to do with my stories is put a meaning quote at the end. they are almost like educational stories and I think that is a super fun way to do it.

I enjoy that there is the use of every animal, but the animals always stick to the same stereotypes as the Lion and Fox. I thought it was a cool idea because you always know what type of characters are in the story and what will happen.

The Aesop Fables are really short and easy to read, I think that is my favorite thing about them. They always have a good message at the end that can be really funny.


Back up and Review!

My favorite imagine in a previous stream of our class was the one where my picture was posted. I always wanted my picture to be on there - e...